DIAMONDS is a pedestal mounted dual poly-angular mirror system kaleidoscope. Poly-angular mirror systems usually consist of only two mirrors; one fixed and one movable allowing the viewer to increase or decrease the number of segments (points) in the image mandala. DIAMONDS is a four mirror poly-angular system and all four mirrors are movable by turning a knob on the case. The mirrors are in two sets, one narrower than the other making two mandalas of different number of segments. Furthermore there are two independent object cells, one containing lampworked glass pieces and glass beads, the other a polarized light cell containing bi-refringent material. The two images combine and are operated together or independently by the viewer. A dimmer switch on the pedestal controls a 110v internal lighting system which illuminates the object cells.
The case is made of iridized black and white art glass.
Specifications: 11 high, 12 long, 8 wide. No. 2 of limited edition of 15